Saturday, June 02, 2007

What is "Transdisciplinarity"?

I’m currently at the Metanexus Conference at the University of Pennsylvania on “Transdisciplinarity and the Unity of Knowledge” ( To be honest, it’s even exciting. Tonight, Eric Weislogel, Executive Director of Metanexus, began a role call of those present from the 43 countries present that are home to a “local society” (or a grant-funded science-religion dialogue group.) Large delegations stood from the United States (obviously), but also from Germany and (as I remember it) Romania. The most interesting to me was to hear that there are representatives from Tajikistan. By the way, I’m not entirely sure what “Transdisciplinarity” is, but I think it means that we’re looking for a third thing--a tertium quid, as it were--as scientists and theologians dialogue. More to come…


John said...

"transdisciplinarity" is the fundamental quality of "trandisciplinarityism."

My Reflections said...

Thank you for that extremely helpful clarification. I'm told that the paper I'm presenting Monday (on beauty as a nexus for science, theology, philosophy, and art) might be an example of transdisciplinarity. More on that in a future post...